Monday, March 23, 2009

You can't win them all!

I think he was definitely more nervous than I was. We had a good time. Nice dinner, good conversation, lots in common. There just weren’t any sparks for me. Unfortunately there must have been for him, because he keeps texting me things like ‘I miss you already’, and ‘I wish we were together right now’. Ack! What to do?!


  1. Eh, kinda awkward. I'd just be honest with him I suppose. No, I wouldn't. I'd totally ignore his calls/texts. I'm awful like that - I can't take confrontation.

    Still, I'm glad you at least had a pleasant evening.

  2. Friendship, I'd offer friendship... if he passes on that, well you know he was only interested in one thing in the first place. If he really "misses you" friendship will be very welcome!

  3. Sorry, Mike, I'm just not that into you.xx♥

  4. That seems a bit odd for after one date??

    Or am I prehistoric??

    Just ignore him and maybe he will get the hint?

  5. see him again and see how you feel?
    i have liked someone more after a few dates
    just humble opinion i smile

  6. I love Natalies response, and totally agree with Michelle - a bit much after one date. You DO have a knack for finding doozies, don't you my friend! Sheesh!

  7. be polite, but firm- if there are no sparks, there are no sparks

  8. If you think you could give him a 2nd chance, then maybe go on another date, otherwise, just ignore/tell him you're not interested in a "serious relationship" right now, just looking for friends... I'm a total wimp. :-)

  9. Follow your heart... Whatever she says x
