Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Oh my word! I forgot to tell you!

I was very tired last night when I posted my 'Oh my Word!' entry, and neglected to tell you all the details regarding my new project!

I found the website 'Save The Words' through a post at Lovely Lisa's site. Here is her post :

You can adopt your own word at the Save The Words website:

These are real words as far as I know, but are considered obsolete, and are no longer in the dictionary.

I love language, and hate to see wonderful words such as 'volgivagant' and 'vanmost' kicked out of the dictionary to make room for words like 'crunk'! (which I gather is a rap term that means crazy drunk)

Volgivagant was my first word, and you can see my original post at:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Vevay! I am going to check this out as I also love words!

    Any updates on your last date?
