Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Oh my Word! Wednesdays

I enjoyed adopting a word so much, that I decided I would try my hand at adopting one a week.

Adopt your own word! It's definitely NOT volgivagant!

Vanmost - Foremost

Vanmost on my mind was what I was going to wear.


  1. i think i could get to like these
    in fact
    on wednesdays
    word of the day will be vanmost on my mind

  2. Oh! how very interesting and POSH! How might one fruitloop, such as my good self, adopt a word?x♥x

  3. Okay, not wanting to appear stupid you MAKE UP these words? How do you find them? I think that I am about to embarass myself, but I did try to look them up in a dicitionary. The thing is....I LIKE these words! I just wonder if they are real???

  4. vanmost on my mind are the reaction the photos of my boobs are getting on my blog !!!!
    you will soon be the mother of many new/old words my friend- ten points to you- you are a pregnatress for restoring literature xx
